Saturday, August 8, 2015

drunken rant 1

So it has been nearly 5 years since my last post.
In all honesty I have completely forgotten how to blog.
So I'm going to rant about whatever I want, because this is a blog, so that means I can rant about things that I want.

Things i have discovered tonight---

One- typing while under the intoxication of something is very difficult.
Two- typing in a blog is fun while intoxicated
Three- i have nothing important  to say
Four- this is really just for future me to see how much has changed in the past five years.

Wellllll... I've grown a lot since five years ago. I've learned a lot of stuff since then. For someone who didn't give a rat's ass about learning in high-school, I came out pretty alright. I haven't gotten pregnant, I haven't gotten arrested, and am not in debt..s,o that's good, right? So here's a big GOOD FOR YOU, you beat the negative statistic! I don't know how..but you did!

But there is one thing that didn't get better...your sight sucks monkey balls dude. But that's okay. You'll get lasik once you have the funds. You know, just in case you go through a time when you desperately need the glasses you just had on your face, but it kind of got crushed out of nowhere. It's happened before. And it sucks...I don't suggest it. Ever.

You finally have the best set of friends. And they are amazing.
You finally have happiness
You finally have control of your emotions (for the most part)
You finally can sniff out the bullshit in other people
You finally have toughened your heart
 I am finally proud of myself!
 Except for my sight...which will forever suck.

I still love food. Corn, pizza, potatoes, ice cream, salad, fruit, pasta, food, cereal (that's a story coming up) etc etc

So I found out why school sucked in the morning: because of cereal. Cereal has betrayed me...for the most part. I have come to the conclusion that if I consume more than one sip of milk, during the day time, I will fall asleep. So cereal is a night time snack for me. I hate that. Milk is delicious....and it isn't fair that I fall asleep 20 minutes after I consume  milk. I mean it's a nice excuse! "Milk induced coma" is kind of a great excuse to use after falling asleep.
"caution: narcolepsy caused by milk"

That's all I have for tonight.

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